I have really been taken by this family as I've watched their journey of adoption. I think you will enjoy their story.
How and why did you decide to adopt?
God started working on our hearts when we were pretty young, about 23. He slowly introduced us to the thought that we would have children through adoption! & there were a few times through those years I would think to myself 'there's no way this is ever going to happen, its such a long hard process & so expensive' but God kept encouraging us!
Why did you choose to adopt from China?
It was always China in our hearts! Not sure why God chose China but he did! Before we were even old enough we knew it would be China, although we did spend a ton of time praying where we were to adopt from! We prayed about foster care, we prayed about Africa, the U.S., China, Korea, Bulgaria...we were willing to go where ever God told us!
What has been the hardest part about the process so far?
Knowing that our daughters are without us, that they have been for so long!
Raising all the money has been hard as well but, God has provided every bit of it & still is!
What has been the most rewarding thing about the process so far?
Learning how to completely rely on God! I thought I had strong Faith & a close relationship with God before, but I have learned so much through this! How to trust & listen! & I have learned, I'm not in control!! If our paperwork doesn't get somewhere when I thought it should...it will actually be ok lol! I do not count down days to each approval! I do not have all these dates memorized! My God is in control...not China or the U.S. I just have to trust!
Tell us about your girls and how you found them.
We hadn't done a HS or signed with an agency. We figured we would save & fundraise for at least a year then get started (back when we thought we were in control lol) we did our first fundraiser in Dec. 2013 within a week God showed us our Vivian Grace (
Dec. 21, this date I remember). We continued with her adoption & were told we would more then likely be traveling in February, but then in October we saw Sheng Yue (Olivia Joyce) Vivi's friend, & God told us to pursue her as our daughter! I was in shock! I never thought this would be something I could handle! & maybe I cant but I know who can!

What are some things you are worried about?
We are worried about our daughters health. We know Vivian Grace seems to be in stable health but Olivia Joyce will almost certainly have to have open heart surgery. Of course I also worry about how the girls will adjust & how they will bond, but I remind myself that God will help us, but I am human & I do worry!
What are you excited about?
We are excited about everything! Having them home, getting to be the one's to wake them up, feed them, play with them, put them to bed! Even the things I'm worried about like the doctors appointments, the melt downs...I'm excited to even be able to experience that with them!
What advice would you give someone thinking about adoption?
Pray! Pray! & pray some more! Dont wait till you feel as if your ready, do it when God says your ready! He will provide, emotionally, financially, spiritually!! He will take care of it all, you just have to trust him! Don't get caught up in the cost, or thinking how scary Special Needs are...he'll prepare you!
What advice would you give someone who can't adopt but would like to help orphans?
Sponsor a child, volunteer at you local children's home, donate to foster families or help out a family who is adopting, either with fundraising or by donating or even just praying for them...actually, especially praying for them! There are so many things you can do even if you are not called to adopt!
How can we help you?
Pray for us & our daughters! For this process, for their health, for us all to be emotionally ready for each other & for us to stay spiritually strong!
You can follow the Kamplain family here.
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February 22, 2015
Hi, Adoption is basically the same presocs in all 50 states, the first step is deciding where you want to adopt through and to start a home study. A home study is a presocs that takes several months and includes items such as background checks, parenting classes, a financial review, home checks, meetings with a case worker and lots of paperwork. The state foster care system have both foster-to-adopt and waiting children programs. Most children who enter the foster care system are reunited with their parents or families. This is the goal of foster care, reunification of the child with the parents. With the foster-to-adopt program, If the parents rights are eventually terminated or relinquished and there is no family to take custody, the foster family can adopt the children.Waiting children are those whose parental rights have been terminated, relinquished or are in the presocs. These children are literally waiting for permanent homes, many are sibling groups.Our home study took about 3 months to complete and our first child was placed almost immediately. We set our preferences for waiting children and in less than 6 years we adopted 5 children. The oldest child placed with us was 4 1/2, the youngest was 2 days of age. When you adopt through foster care, the fees are nominal.Once a child’s parental rights are terminated by the courts in the US, the parents can not regain parental rights. Wishing you all the best !.